Introduction of community-level Ecologically-Based Rodent Management in Irrigated Farming Systems. Nuffic TMT training (2024).

Countries: Senegal, Mali and Niger 

With this training on community level EBRM, we wish to achieve a continuum in developing and enhancing fine-tuned EBRM methods and community-level strategies, using the momentum created and building on the important work that has already been and is currently being done. With around 6 million farmers in Senegal, 5.8 in Mali 6.9 in Niger (World Bank, 2021), the number of people who will have benefited from the knowledge/skills trained in this TMT, especially via the outreach will be significant. When working with a 50% assumption, this comes down to 9 million farmers. 

The participants are pooled from the newly established ‘Integrated Rodent Management Framework’ (IRMF), aiming to build capacity of this framework to make them the champions of EBRM in Senegal, with potential to spread the message across the borders of Senegal as well. Furthermore, representatives from other interested and relevant national and international (Mali and Niger) parties are invited to join and learn together. The TMT will address the knowledge and skills challenges within our organisation and that of our partners through the following:

  • Provide both technical and hands-on training on a range of promising EBRM methods at farmer-field level.
  • Introduce community engagement methods, such as peer-to-peer learning and theatre, geared towards EBRM implementation at scale and impact monitoring.
  • Create channels for cross-pollination between IRMF and Sahelian organisations, and between organisations within Senegal, Mali and Niger, working on crop protection and pest management.  

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