Programs we are proud of

We are dedicated as a team to work with you in the shift to Rodent Green Management as an improved way to help farmers manage rodents effectively and eco-friendly. We are working in the following projects and are always excited to keep developing and expanding our work with new partners, don’t hesitate to reach out 

Current programs

Bio-based Rodent Control Product (BRCP, 2018-2020)

Country: Ethiopia The bio-based rodent control product is a research and development trajectory of a rodenticide product based on botanicals. … Continued

Green Transformation Pathways (GTP, 2021-2023)

The Green Transformation Pathways program seeks to address the looming phenomenon of uncertainties in agriculture, degradation of ecology, low returns, … Continued

Towards Sustainable Community-Based Mitigation of Rodent Issues in African Cities (SCARIA, 2021-2024)

Countries: Madagascar (Ankasina neighbourhood in Antananarivo), Ethiopia (Wolaita Sodo), Benin (Ladji Neighbourhood in Cotonou), and Niger (Gamkalleye neighbourhood in Niamey). … Continued

Introduction of community-level Ecologically-Based Rodent Management in Irrigated Farming Systems. Nuffic TMT training (2024).

Countries: Senegal, Mali and Niger  With this training on community level EBRM, we wish to achieve a continuum in developing … Continued

MEDiterranean alliance for ecological PEST management (MED4PEST, 2022-2025)

Countries: Turkey, Greece, Cyprus and Morocco.  MED4PEST aims to develop proven, effective Ecologically Based Rodent Management (EBRM) methods and products, … Continued

Innovating and developing a novel alternative biological rodenticide

Throughout the prototype development, we have done different types of testing. The first necessity was to determine whether the botanicals … Continued

EBRM campaigns in Amhara region

The Ecologically Based Rodent Management trainings and introduction have rendered very quick and overwhelming uptake among the watersheds in Amhara … Continued

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