MEDiterranean alliance for ecological PEST management (MED4PEST, 2022-2025)

Countries: Turkey, Greece, Cyprus and Morocco. 

MED4PEST aims to develop proven, effective Ecologically Based Rodent Management (EBRM) methods and products, which are readily integrated into local pest /invasive rodent management systems in Mediterranean countries, contributing to the shift from synthetic pest control to biological and ecological pest management, ultimately leading to eco-sustainable farming systems, higher quality and quantity crop production and optimization of input use for ecosystem health. MED4PEST objectives and goals will produce new knowledge through scientific research that will be pursued with the collaborative research of the consortium partners from 2 Universities, 2 Research Institutes, and one company. 

MED4PEST introduces novel , effective ecologically-based Rodent Management (EBRM). It stands out from conventional rodent control techniques, including synthetic rodenticides, as it is biological and ecological, relies on robust scientific knowledge about pest rodent eco-ethology and accordingly tailored modifications of the habitats in order to decrease rodent density to endurable levels and to avoid re-infestations. It combines biological, ecological and physical methods, through a Community of Practice (CoP) approach, since organisation is as important as the technology for effective rodent management. Med4pest ensures excellence through lab-innovations on a bio-rodenticide, testing and selecting best-suited EBRM approaches in diverse context and at significant scale, and through monitoring of impacts. Each of these innovations together will deliver a state-of-the-art project that demonstrates EBRM at scale, specifically tailored to the Mediterranean context, with key focus on sustaining agroecology, where the end-products are made by and for farmers, tightly fine-tuned to their wishes. MED4PEST will increase farmers of the nature of the proposed tools and analyse the impact of their acceptance. Our consortium includes 5 academic and industrial partners from Greece, Morocco, Cyprus , The Netherlands.

MED4PEST is funded by Prima Foundation (Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area), it is coordinated by MetaMeta Anatolia. 

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