This page contains various resources around the ecological management of rodents. You can search the resources database using the filters displayed on the left side of the page and you can use the search field in the main menu. Do you have a resource available that can be included, please share it with us through:

Eco-friendly Management of Rodent Pests Using Tanjore-bow Trap in Irrigated Rice Fields, Tiruchirappalli District, Tamil Nadu
Authors: Sakthivel Palaniyandi & Periyasamy Neelanarayanan

Fertility control of rodent pests
Assessment of the efficacy of fertility control in small rodents. Authors: Jens Jacob, Grant R. Singleton and Lyn A. Hinds

Integrated management to reduce rodent damage to lowland rice crops in Indonesia
This article addresses benefits and costs of an integrated management system coordinated at the community level to reduce rodent damage … Continued

Towards sustainable management of rodents in organic animal husbandry
Authors: B.G. Meerburg, M. Bonde, F.W.A. Brom, S. Endepols, A.N. Jensen, H. Leirs, J. Lodal, G.R. Singleton, H.-J. Pelz, T.B. … Continued

Interaction between rodent species in agro-forestry habitats in the western Usambara mountains, northeast Tanzania, and its potential for plague transmission to humans
Authors: Makundi R., Massawe A., Kilonzo B.

Rodent control in India
The existing knowledge of the environmental, cultural, biological, mechanical and chemical methods of rodent control in India is reviewed. Considerable … Continued

Rodent Pests of Agriculture and Their Control in the Near East Region
In this paper, information on the status of rodent problems in the Near East region is reviewed. Twenty-two species of … Continued

Farmers’ Attitudes in Connection with the Potential for Rodent Prevention in Livestock Farming in a Municipality in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Rodents threaten the one health approach in livestock farming. In this case study, livestock farmers collaborated with a pest controller … Continued

Meta-analyses reveal the importance of socio-psychological factors for farmers’ adoption of sustainable agricultural practices
Transitioning agricultural systems requires understanding farmers’ motivations for implementing sustainable agriculture. By using meta-analysis models, we quantified the importance of … Continued

The Role of One Health Approach Research for the Conservation of Endemic Wild Animals and Mitigation of Future Public Health Threat in Bale Mountains National Park, Ethiopia
Integrated research related to identification of pathogens found in wild animal and human lives in surrounding the Bale Mountains national … Continued