This page contains various resources around the ecological management of rodents. You can search the resources database using the filters displayed on the left side of the page and you can use the search field in the main menu. Do you have a resource available that can be included, please share it with us through:

Living with rodent pests: Unifying stakeholder interests to prioritise pest management in rural Madagascar
Article investigating for participatory approach facilitation to rodent control in Madagascar. Key stakeholders are identified and mapped; a multisector framework … Continued

Does it matter who advises farmers? Pest management choices with public and private extension
Article investigating whether farmers receiving advice on pest management strategies from public or from private (pesticide company affiliated) extension services … Continued

Molecular epidemiology of rodent-, shrew- and bat-borne hantaviruses in Mbeya region, Tanzania
Master Thesis Author: Lwitiho Edwin Sudi

Beyond zoonosis: the mental health impacts of rat exposure on inner-city residents
Master thesis reviewing the published literature to explore the effect of rat exposure on mental health among inner-city residents. Author: … Continued

Public Health and Rodents: A Game of Cat and Mouse
This chapter describes four factors that determine the risk and severity of human infection by zoonotic pathogens of rodents: human … Continued

Bartonella Prevalence and Genetic Diversity in Small Mammals from Ethiopia
Paper investigating Bartonella infection prevalence and genetic diversity of the Bartonella spp. Authors: Yonas Meheretu, Herwig Leirs, Kiros Welegerima, Matteo … Continued

High diversity of RNA viruses in rodents, Ethiopia
Paper linking the occurrence of RNA viruses in rodents in Ethiopia. Authors: Yonas Meheretu, Dagmar Čížková, Jana Těšíková, Kiros Welegerima, … Continued

Rodent-borne diseases and their risks for public health
In this review article a large number of pathogens that are directly or indirectly transmitted by rodents are described, and … Continued