This page contains various resources around the ecological management of rodents. You can search the resources database using the filters displayed on the left side of the page and you can use the search field in the main menu. Do you have a resource available that can be included, please share it with us through:

Urban Rats (Rattus norvegicus) through a One Health Lens: Social and Ecological Factors Promote Opportunities for Urban Leptospirosis in Rats, Dogs, and People
By studying rats and residents on the same blocks, this study found that lower-income residents had more exposure to rat … Continued

Urban rats are the ‘fall-guy’: Resident motivations for municipal rat complaints
The objective of this study was to identify why the residents of Vancouver, Canada care about rats and what they … Continued

Associations between rat infestations and mental health vary by gender, race, and income in Chicago
This study examines associations between residential rat sightings and mental health in Chicago. The study examined how this relationship varied … Continued

Increased rat-borne zoonotic disease hazard in greener urban areas
Study investigating how urban greenness is associated with rat-borne zoonotic pathogen prevalence and diversity.Translation is done to human disease hazard.

Basic urban services fail to neutralise environmental determinants of ‘rattiness’, a composite metric of rat abundance
Study investigating whether basic urban services (BUS) – trash collection, rodenticide application and health community agent visits – affect rat … Continued

Demographic drivers of Norway rat populations from urban slums in Brazil
Efficient population control, especially in urban settings, is dependent on knowledge of rat demography and population ecology. This study analyzed … Continued

Small mammals in the big city: Behavioural adjustments of non-commensal rodents to urban environments
Study investigating whether behavioural differences arise between rural and urban populations of non-commensal rodents; and whether these differences result from … Continued

Trends in urban rodent monitoring and mitigation: improving our understanding of population and disease ecology, surveillance and control
Research presenting a picture of the complex interactions between rats and the urban environment. Access resource > Authors: Michael H. … Continued