This page contains various resources around the ecological management of rodents. You can search the resources database using the filters displayed on the left side of the page and you can use the search field in the main menu. Do you have a resource available that can be included, please share it with us through:

Impacts of Rodents Pests on Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L): A Mini Review
Review assessing the impacts of rodent pests on Cocoa production and productivity. Author: O. I. Asunbo

Advances in postharvest management of cereals and grains
Book on the impact of rodents on stored grain, rodent pest species and biology, types of rodent damage and strategies … Continued

Species composition and community structure of small pest rodents (Muridae) in cultivated and fallow fields in maize‐ growing areas in Mayuge district, Eastern Uganda
Study of the ecology of small rodents and establishment of the species composition and community structure in a maize‐based agro-ecosystem. … Continued

Quantitative and quality losses caused by rodents in on-farm stored maize: a case study in the low land tropical zone of Kenya
Study assessing maize losses in on-farm storages in Kenya. Authors: Kukom Edoh Ognakossan & Christopher M. Mutungi & Tobias O. … Continued

A systematic review of rodent pest research in Afro-Malagasy small-holder farming systems: Are we asking the right questions?
Meta-analysis quantifying rodent pest impacts and identify trends in rodent pest research impacting on smallholder agriculture in the AfroMalagasy region. … Continued

Rodent abundance, stone bund density and its effects on crop damage in the Tigray highlands, Ethiopia
Study of rodent population dynamics and estimated crop damage in high and low stone bund density fields for four cropping … Continued

Rat-Feeding Injury to Plants in Hawai‘i
This publication describes the three rat species established in Hawai‘i, along with their ecology and damage to natural agroecosystems. It … Continued