
This page contains various resources around the ecological management of rodents. You can search the resources database using the filters displayed on the left side of the page and you can use the search field in the main menu. Do you have a resource available that can be included, please share it with us through:


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Optimizing the capture of neophobic rice field rats in lowland Asian rice ecosystems

Authors: Renee P. Lorica, Alexander M. Stuart, Grant R. Singleton, Sudarmajid and Steven R. Belmain

Impact of fertility versus mortality control on the demographics of Mastomys natalensis in maize fields

Authors: Christopher I. IMAKANDO, G. Mandela FERNÁNDEZ-GRANDON, Grant R. SINGLETON and Steven R. BELMAIN

Unbiased Sampling for Rodents and Other Small Mammals: How to Overcome Neophobia Through Use of an Electronic-Triggered Live Trap – A Preliminary Test

Authors: R. Stryjek, A. Kalinowski, M. Parsons

Parameters That Affect Fear Responses in Rodents and How to Use Them for Management

Review exploring the current knowledge on the sensory mechanisms and rodents capabilities.   Authors: Miguel A. Bedoya-Pérez, Kristie Leigh Smith, … Continued

Rodents and satellites: Predicting mice abundance and distribution with Sentinel-2 data

Study exploring the potential of S2 satellites enhanced spectral and spatial resolution to explain and predict mice abundances and distribution … Continued

Trap Barrier System: an effective technique for protecting the rice nurseries against Bandicota bengalensis in rodent endemic areas

Assessment of the Trap Barrier System efficiency against the lesser bandicoot rat. Authors: S. Namala & A. Bonku

Rating the rat: global patterns and research priorities in impacts and management of rodent pests

Authors: D. Capizzi, S. Bertolino, A. Mortelliti

Field methods for rodent studies in Asia and the Indo-Pacific

Book reviewing methods for rodents studies: design of field studies, capture and handling of rodents, rodents taxonomy, population studies, study … Continued

An experimental field study to evaluate a trap-barrier system and fumigation for controlling the rice field rat, Rattus argentiventer, in rice crops in West Java

Study assessing the effectiveness of a trap-barrier system for rodent control in Indonesia. Authors: Grant R. Singleton, Sudarmajff and Sadeli … Continued

Balancing food security, vertebrate biodiversity, and healthy rice agroecosystems in Southeast Asia

Review summarizing the literature on the ecosystem benefits that amphibians, birds, bats, and rodents support in the context of the … Continued

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