Research and testing on EBRM innovations (lab & field)

Worldwide there are many concerns on the long-term effects of chemical rodenticides. This is captured for instance in new EU legislation on the use of biocides. Many traditional chemical rodenticides, especially anticoagulants, carry too high a risk for the environment. They are categorised as persistent, bio-accumulative and toxic (PBT). In other words, they remain in the ecosystem where they are applied. Therefore, chemical rodenticides pose an increasing risk to people and non-target species such as pets, birds and mammals. In addition, many rodent species develop resistance to long-used chemical rodenticides and learn to avoid them more and more. Hence the need for alternative, environmentally friendly rodenticides is warranted. In Rodent Green, we have experience in developing a successful prototype bio-rodenticide and provide services ranging from testing to production protocols for bio-rodenticide development. Read more in the product sheet below    

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