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Local Effects of Nest-Boxes for Avian Predators over Common Vole Abundance during a Mid-Density Outbreak
Study exploring the efficacy of biological control by avian predators to reduce vole abundance by providing nest-boxes in cropland. Access … Continued

Rats About Town: A Systematic Review of Rat Movement in Urban Ecosystems
Review of the literature about urban rat movement, information on home range, site fidelity, dispersal, movement patterns, barriers and factors … Continued

In search of the Holy Grail of Rodent control: Step-by-step implementation of safe and sustainable-by-design principles on the example of rodenticides
Concept study illustrating the potential for improvement in the field of chemical rodent control when applying available techniques of green … Continued

Farmers’ Knowledge, Attitudes, and Control Practices of Rodents in an Agricultural Area of Taiwan
Study surveying farmers in an agricultural area of northwestern Taiwan on their knowledge, attitudes, and control practices for rodent pests. … Continued

Rodent management and cereal production in Asia: Balancing food security and conservation
Review on recent developments in the biology and management of rodent pests in cereal cropping systems in Asia: case studies … Continued

Indigenous Pest Management Practices of Indian Hill Farmers: Introspecting Their Rationale and Communication Pattern for Secure Ecosystems
This study aimed to document the indigenous pest management practices, test their scientific rationality, and determine their communication pattern among … Continued

Efficacy of Management and Monitoring Methods to Prevent Post-Harvest Losses Caused by Rodent
Study assessing stored rice losses in local households and rice milling factories in Bangladesh. The effect of different rodent control … Continued

Tailor-made solutions to tackle rodent pests of rice through community-based 5 management approaches in Cambodia
Study conducted on research experiments established in two villages in Takeo province to assess the yield loss reduction after implementation … Continued

Working with Cambodian rice farmers to combat a plague of rodents
Paper assessing EBRM measures taken in Cambodia to combat rodent pests in rice fields. Authors: Rica Flor, Emily Kraus, Rathmuny … Continued