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Field methods for rodent studies in Asia and the Indo-Pacific
This book summarises current knowledge of the 20+ rodents that are major agricultural pests in SE Asia as well as … Continued

13th European Vertebrate Pest Management Conference
Summary of the 2023 European Vertebrate Pest Management Conference, focusing on topics covering a wide range of disciplines and taxa, … Continued

Optimizing the capture of neophobic rice field rats in lowland Asian rice ecosystems
Authors: Renee P. Lorica, Alexander M. Stuart, Grant R. Singleton, Sudarmajid and Steven R. Belmain

Impact of fertility versus mortality control on the demographics of Mastomys natalensis in maize fields
Authors: Christopher I. IMAKANDO, G. Mandela FERNÁNDEZ-GRANDON, Grant R. SINGLETON and Steven R. BELMAIN

Unbiased Sampling for Rodents and Other Small Mammals: How to Overcome Neophobia Through Use of an Electronic-Triggered Live Trap – A Preliminary Test
Authors: R. Stryjek, A. Kalinowski, M. Parsons

Parameters That Affect Fear Responses in Rodents and How to Use Them for Management
Review exploring the current knowledge on the sensory mechanisms and rodents capabilities. Authors: Miguel A. Bedoya-Pérez, Kristie Leigh Smith, … Continued

Rodents and satellites: Predicting mice abundance and distribution with Sentinel-2 data
Study exploring the potential of S2 satellites enhanced spectral and spatial resolution to explain and predict mice abundances and distribution … Continued

Trap Barrier System: an effective technique for protecting the rice nurseries against Bandicota bengalensis in rodent endemic areas
Assessment of the Trap Barrier System efficiency against the lesser bandicoot rat. Authors: S. Namala & A. Bonku

Rating the rat: global patterns and research priorities in impacts and management of rodent pests
Authors: D. Capizzi, S. Bertolino, A. Mortelliti

Field methods for rodent studies in Asia and the Indo-Pacific
Book reviewing methods for rodents studies: design of field studies, capture and handling of rodents, rodents taxonomy, population studies, study … Continued