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Farmers’ knowledge, attitudes and practices towards rodent pests and their management in rural Pothwar, Pakistan
Authors: Surrya Khanam and Muhammad Mushtaq

Economic costs of invasive rodents worldwide: the tip of the iceberg
Study assessing the economic costs of invasive rodents globally. Authors: Christophe Diagne, Liliana Ballesteros-Mejia, Thomas Bodey, Ross Cuthbert, Jean Fantle-Lepczyk, … Continued

Impacts of Rodents Pests on Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L): A Mini Review
Review assessing the impacts of rodent pests on Cocoa production and productivity. Author: O. I. Asunbo

Impact of fertility versus mortality control on the demographics of Mastomys natalensis in maize fields
Authors: Christopher I. IMAKANDO, G. Mandela FERNÁNDEZ-GRANDON, Grant R. SINGLETON and Steven R. BELMAIN

Rodent management and cereal production in Asia: Balancing food security and conservation
Identification of challenges for rodents management Authors: Grant R Singleton, Renee P. Lorica, Nyo Me Htwee and Alexander M. Stuart

Conservation agriculture practices have changed habitat use by rodent pests: implications for management of feral house mice
Paper on the influence of conservation agriculture and mice habitat in cropped fields. Authors: Wendy A. Ruscoe · Peter … Continued

Explaining the Effect of Crop-Raiding on Food Security of Subsistence Farmers of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
Authors: Tlou D. Raphela & Neville Pillay

Rodent management and cereal production in Asia: Balancing food security and conservation
Review on recent developments in the biology and management of rodent pests in cereal cropping systems in Asia: case studies … Continued

Indigenous Pest Management Practices of Indian Hill Farmers: Introspecting Their Rationale and Communication Pattern for Secure Ecosystems
This study aimed to document the indigenous pest management practices, test their scientific rationality, and determine their communication pattern among … Continued

Does it matter who advises farmers? Pest management choices with public and private extension
Article investigating whether farmers receiving advice on pest management strategies from public or from private (pesticide company affiliated) extension services … Continued